NM Sahil Tickoo vs. The World, cxd5 (blunder) won the vote

NM Sahil Tickoo vs. The World, cxd5 (blunder) won the vote

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If you want to know the story of cxd5
This blog Will introduce you to cxd5

Nickname: blunder
Features: Brainless choice of cxd5
Danger level: 6
Ease of dealing with: Unable to deal with

cxd5, Just a normal step in a normal game, However, in this special voting game, cxd5 showed his hidden power 

2024.3.29 22:45:00

I came a step too late, they had already made the blunder of cxd5, and I discovered that the power of Nf6 was no longer enough to fight against cxd5. After measurement, the power difference between Nf6 and cxd5 was about 90!!!

This is impossible

Maybe I can find the source of cxd5, so that I can stop the concentration of cxd5's power

What's going on? cxd5 actually stopped me from going to his source.

There's only one hour left, if I don't stop cxd5, the whole game will end with a loss

Nf6? f6? Qd6? None of the power I can think of is enough. Maybe I can ask stockfish

 No, using stockfish will be banned, so there won’t be enough time.


Everything has a solution, and cxd5 should also have it. As long as I can find his solution, cxd5 will be solved by me.


From this article, we know that the power of cxd5 is unstoppable

Because of the power of blunder

We need to unite and resist cxd5 together
Comments posted by unknown users: Those who play cxd5, have you learned the course in vain? There is a course called Avoiding Bad Exchanges. Is it difficult for you to have a day to think about the disadvantages of cxd5? Exchange is not just an equal exchange, you have to think further, this is not fast chess, you can think, even if you can't think, it is not difficult to read the comment area, and then follow the trend without thinking cxd5, the candidate master has come out to say, You still don't change your mind. Don't think that the other side won't see it. The other side is national master. With one day of thinking time, he can see this mistake and take the right step. If you don't understand this, get out. Go play chesskid
Another comment posted by an unknown user: We are hopeless if you play cxd5
Another comment posted by an unknown user: All those who voted for the move 14. ..cxd5 should give themselves a good slap when they get the second one from the wall. I would like to congratulate them for a blindly lost game.
Another comment posted by an unknown user: Today, for the first time, I joined the dumb herd who wanted to give up from the beginning. But now I would say that such a decision is the only possible one for real chess players.
Never invest in cxd5, it will make cxd5 more powerful
Never invest in cxd5, it will make cxd5 more powerful
Never invest in cxd5, it will make cxd5 more powerful