The Fog of War Chess Variant

The Fog of War Chess Variant

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Fog of war is a fun variant to play.  The goal of the game is to capture, not checkmate, the enemy king. You also can only see squares that your pieces can move to - the rest of them are either dark grey or light grey. One cool side effect of this, I think, is that you can castle through check, or castle when you are in check. Everything else is the same.

An example game might go like this

Because you don't know how many defenders a piece has, many unequal trades are made.

This can be annoying, but it is fair since it happens to both sides. The knights are good against the Queen because they are like ninjas, sneaking up on the queen. Unless you can see them of course.

A kinda easy way to win is to get doubled rooks for instance, and then "check" the enemy king. they think its a free rook, and they take the rook, and then u take their king.

If there are any other tips and tricks you have, please say them in the comments! Thanks for reading! grin.png