A Beginner's Looks at MCO-15

A Beginner's Looks at MCO-15

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Modern Chess Openings is a familiar openings book to many chess enthusiasts.  I just cracked the cover on my 15th edition for the first time within the last couple of months and I am impressed.  I am a beginner familiar with basic opening principles, but I easily get lost when stronger players rattle off different openings and variations from memory.

These past couple of months I have been studying the French Defense and the King's Indian Defense from MCO-15.  My regular over-the-board chess opponents like to begin a game by playing through a variation from one of these two openings.  It's a lot a fun and we learn a lot.  

If you're a beginner and haven't added this great resource to your library yet, pick up a copy this weekend.  You will not be disapointed.