The uniqueness of Capablanca chess

The uniqueness of Capablanca chess

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It has been highly accepted that Jose Raul Capablanca was one of the best chess player's to have existed! He was well-known for his endgame skill and speed of play, he was World Champion from 1921 to 1927 when he was defeated by the great Alekhine. Following this event, he desperately tried to arrange a rematch, but failed to do so. But that is not what I am here to talk about, today I am here to talk about a Capablanca special and that is a chess variant called Capablanca chess. This chess variant is pretty much the same as regular chess but there are few differences. first of all, Capablanca chess is played on a 10x8 board, and Capablanca introduced two new pieces called the archbishop and the chancellor. The archbishop combines the moves of a knight and bishop, whilst the chancellor combines the moves of a rook and a knight.

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