Ding goes fishing - A tribute to the new world champion's risk taking

Ding goes fishing - A tribute to the new world champion's risk taking

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In Game 8 and Game 14 of the 2023 World Championship match between the previous finalist Ian Nepomniachtchi and the new World Champion Ding Liren, we have seen the latter taking tremendous risks by brandishing what we call the 'fishing pole' motif, heaving the h-pawn two squares and leaving a knight or bishop en-prise (after ...h6)  on g5, to invite Black to capture the piece for an open h-file in return.

Game 8 - position after 12. h4!?

Game 14 - position after 13. h4!?

This idea is certainly very dangerous when played at bullet,  blitz or rapid time control but in a world championship final, it surely takes a lot of guts and gumption. I wonder if his second, the creative Richard Rapport has got something to do with the use of this idea, especially in such an important match (World championship final no less). There is a downside to playing such an idea especially when it is implemented while the opponent is busy developing his bits.  It is easy to find oneself in trouble if the attack doesn't work when the king is still in the center. Also the h-pawn might prove to be a weakness in the ending if the attack doesn't pan out.

However, a check of the database revealed that Ding has executed this idea 5 times in tournament play , 4 of them versus GMs.

A nice trivia titbit too is that the World No 1 Carlsen himself had tried fishing against Ding no less.

Carlsen was more successful with it against another world class player, Levon Aronian in an online rapid game.
The following year, Carlsen's buddy Dubov was at the receiving end of a fishing pole con..
Oh ya, we're celebrating Ding's risk-taking so here's an earlier example from our hero.
While watching Game 14 on the telly,  I was inspired to try to get the fishing pole motif in online blitz games and soon enough....I got one which is of course of crap quality but nevertheless, a nice finish to the fishing expedition as the bait got snapped up.