Morphy and I, Partners in Crime!

Morphy and I, Partners in Crime!

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The other day I was perusing through Tartakower's "500 Master Games of Chess" (which, by the way, is a masterpiece of a chess book!) and discovered one of Morphy's games, which has a pattern similar to one that occurred in one of my games.....


(By the way, this book is available, dirt cheap, in It is in descriptive notation, not algebraic, though- )

The Morphy game is the following (notes by Lowenthal)

Now, here is my game, played in the Finals of the 1977 Puerto Rico Chess Championship! OMG, that was 41 years ago!
My opponent played an unusual variation....2....b6 in the Sicilian.....and then e6, which weakened the d6 square critically. I pounced, and the game was over in 10 minutes! The rest of the participants were still pondering over their first few moves....
But the similarity with Morphy's game is that I also offered my bishop, with knights on b5 and d5...take a look!
So there it is! A patzer like me, sharing an idea with Morphy! The beauty of chess!