
A Glance Back to My 2008 Activities

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In anticipation of condensing my last year into a single page for a Christmas letter greeting to friends and family, I reviewed what I wrote every day on this blog for the past year.  I was surprised how much I had written and even more surprised at what I had forgotten.  I scrolled through ALL months of 2008 and the following capitalizes on the high and low points:

Jan. - friends and family, domino games, friends successful adoptions of boys from Ukraine and China, interviews

Feb. - hearts, beauty pageants for niece, ice and icicles, Damah films for students

March - Koke Tobe, technology, orality, pakazooka, American football in KZ, information explosion

April - Krylov’s fable, “Silent Steppe,” Olympics torch parade, President’s visit, computer illiteracy

May - teachers workshops, Kazakh proverbs, wild flowers, catching plagiarists, virtual classroom, Kazakh linguist, artist Nelly Bube, Victory Day, Procrustes Bed, Elephant in the Room, Two-headed serpent

June - university graduation exercises, well kept secret sanatorium, health club privileges, Close to Eden film, tall hollyhocks, refurbished park, Schadenfreude, tall poppy syndrome, Big Almaty Lake, wildflowers, trout fishing, Kazakh traditions, roses

July - why I love teaching, 11 great MA students, fireworks and family celebration, pulling weeds, farmyard photos, our dacha, TX wedding, AZ visits, waterfights, treehouses, canoes in river

August - cobwebs, Frank Thoms, cousin camp, family reunion, 1976 journal of Russia trip, Solzhenitsyn, Hoover Institution notes from Stanford, Dark Night, “The Shack”

Sept. - my students grandparents stories, every day a new adventure into the sad Soviet past

Oct. - British journalist, students write about Almaty, Thesis statements, in-text citations, Astana, ALZHIR, Babushka visits, breakthroughs at skating rink, Aral Sea and Semipalatinsk, Almaty b.d. bash, buried treasure stories

Nov. - George Orwell, Digital Natives, Best Blog Dart Thinker Award, former Ukrainian students, multi-ethnicity, tri-lingual specialists, Dolinka, Karaganda, KarLAG, slow trains, autumn leaves, Groove Zone Duo

Dec. - “Naglyi” students, iron rice bowl policy, job satisfaction, George MacDonald, Hannah Arendt, totalitarianism, 1,000 tiny paper cuts, Kurbanait holiday, Christmas caroling, student centered vs. teacher centered.