
Nice pose, funny pose

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funny poseWE English clubTo be around so much energy with the two English Clubs I’m involved with brings smiles and is refreshing for me.  Twice now, when I’ve had to take photos with a group of students, they have wanted a nice pose then a funny pose.  Okay, I hadn’t done the inverted hands to make glasses trick before but it was better than making a fish face with puckered lips.  Now, we are talking about Christmas parties for the different groups I’m involved with and that takes energy but will be fun.  I’ll make sure that we sing lots of Christmas carols but also that we play the game of “Twas the Night Before Christmas” where we pass presents to the RIGHT and LEFT.  Always a crowd pleaser.  One party is next Wed. a week from today, the other World Exchange group will be later.  I feel busy now with teaching remedial grammar to the WE groups and it is fun to meet such ambitious students.  They are ALL eager to get to the U.S. next summer so they are honing their English speaking skills with me.  Meanwhile, I’m getting our Christmas letter out in pdf format and for those friends and relatives who don’t have Internet, I have to figure out who will be leaving Kazakhstan to take a batch of our letters home to mail in the U.S.