
Night and Day Difference

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The last remaining spokes of an old wooden wheel remain in our NW woods, we dare not move it as it will fall apart so fragile with age is it.  I had not known of this old wheel for all the years I grew up on the farm until recently when I started creating bonfires out in our woods about 6-7 years ago.  Similar to the forgotten days of hardship which were experienced by my grandparents who weathered many winter storms while building up the farm we now own in the country.  Meanwhile, my parents have moved into town and as my Mom and I were walking around their neighborhood we came across the house that wins prizes year after year with all the display of Christmas lights they garnish around their home.  What a spectacular sight it is to see the amazing electric colors against the backdrop of the dark house and white snow.  My grandparents were thrilled just to get electricity on the farm lo these many years ago.   Actually they had the stars and northern lights to look at with not a trace of light pollution that we experience in the big cities.  Yes, times are a-changing.  What will I be amazed at fifty years from now if I were to live that long?