How Stockfish evaluate position in Chess?
Stockfish Developer

How Stockfish evaluate position in Chess?

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Stockfish is using NNUE and Minimax search algorithms, So It’s up to the NNUE Models that trained by humans.

Can humans evaluate like Stockfish?

Answer is no, because humans use their experience to evaluate position in Chess. But Stockfish use computer’s algorithms, And the computers are faster than humans.

So, I will improve you on your evaluation skill.

I believed you will evaluate more precise in Chess after read this article!

1. King’s Safety

You can look your king that has castled or not? Because the King’s Safety is very important in Chess, If your king is not safe you must be sacrifice your minor pieces to protect your king from checkmate, Can the safety is make you more advantage than your opponent.

2. Position of Pieces

You can looking for your pieces like Knight, Bishop. Who is deprecated from the board, Such as the piece is on the edge of the board and it’s not control the center.

This is the positional playing and you can study positional playing style from solving the positional puzzles.

3. The Pieces’ space

Looking for who has more space? From King’s Side or Queen’s Side. And plan to attack that area of board.

I hope you get better at evaluation and positional playing.

See you again in next post, Thanks.