
Reflections. . .

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   In a world of haves and have nots where the vast majority of worldly wealth is in the hands of a very small minority, it is often worth sparing a thought for those less fortunate. I don't mean the lazy or the workshy, or those who live beyond their means on credit-cards, but rather, those less fortunate than ourselves who ~ for no reason other than through accident of birth would count themselves well-off if they had just one square meal a day and a roof over their heads.


   I often think that there would be some justice in the world if they could swop places with some of the less-deserving types with money who are so often uncharitable and lacking in humility. Boy, would that be cool bananas.


   Full credit to Warren Buffet and Bill Gates for pledging to give half of their fortunes to charitable causes and for setting up 'The Giving Pledge' to encourage others to do the same. More than forty of the world's richest families have already signed up to the pledge including the young nouveau riche Mark Zuckerberg, already a billionaire almost twice over. . . and already showing his mettle (as if we needed telling).


   Here is an excellent representation called Miniature Earth set to an excellent (and iconic) piece of music which needs no introduction from me at all. The world picture is put into perspective by letting the world population be represented by just 100 people and by keeping the same proportions that we have today ~ everything just shrunk down to numbers easily understood. Take two minutes and imbibe some enlightenment, and then reflect. . . and imagine!




   I used the word perspective in the foregoing ~ and in the following it is no less important in reflecting too. If you think you have problems and that your problems are significantly a BIG deal, or if you're one of those that I alluded to earlier lacking humility and thinking far too much of yourself with the misconceived idea that YOU are important, then this is most certainly for you; more importantly though it is for the benefit of all, for everyone, and a great aid to visualize how we fit in here and just how small we really all are. . .  and how little the world is we live on too.


   It's 9 minutes this one ~ but worth going all the way! You wont be sorry. . .




   There are two extremes here, both sides of the coin, both of which equally worth reflecting on.