To Hell With The Queen

To Hell With The Queen

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To Hell With The Queen. Literally. The Queen must be the piece who captures the most.


If the piece you capture disappears from the board, we may as well say "it was murder". In my last game, for instance, my Queen was murdered (only an example, it didn't happen, really). Now, with that much blood in her hands, the Queen won't certainly go to Heaven.  Talk about The Joker. Talk about Thanos. But I can assure you the Queen commits more murder daily than any of those in all their lives. That poor bishop you lost to the enemy Queen, that pawn, that knight...

If anyone happens to play with me and my Queen doesn't do much, is because I respect life and don't want to make my Queen a murderer (aaand any of the other pieces). So I certainly have an excuse if I lose.