Guide to the Advance Caro-Kann for Black (video)
Aleksandar Randjelovic, Caro Kann, Advance variation

Guide to the Advance Caro-Kann for Black (video)

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A bit dry, but I still think this is good material for a player who doesn't want to devote a lot of time to this specific opening variation. Nevertheless, the content offers good ideas and main motives for Black in the Advanse Caro-Kann.

Questions I tried to answer in the video:

  • What is the point of moving the bishop to f5?
  • What are the benefits of 3...c5 over 3...Bf5 line?
  • Is black bishop better on f5 or g4?
  • What are similarities between the French and Caro-Kann Defense?
  • What is currently known as "theory" or best lines in the Botvinnik-Carls Defense?
  • Can I play the Advance Caro-Kann without memorizing moves?
  • How should Black develop their pieces (especially the g8-knight) in the Botvinnik-Carls defense?

Video is consisted of the following chapters:

  • Introduction
  • Similarities with the French Defense
  • Should we play the ...Bf5 line?
  • How White should treat the f5-Bishop?
  • Beautiful sacrifice (to be aware of)
  • Conclusion regarding the f5-Bishop
  • 3...c5 (Botvinnik-Carls Defense)
  • Passive approach: 4. c3
  • Active approach: 4. dxc5
  • Option 1 for Black: 4. dxc5 Nc6
  • Option 2 for Black: 4. dxc5 e6
  • 4. dxc5 e6 5. Be3 - three ideas for Black
  • Idea 1: Attack on the e-pawn!
  • Idea 2: The g7-g5 surprise!
  • Idea 3: Undouble their pawns & b6!
  • Where with the g8-knight?
  • The point behind: 4. dxc5 e6 5. a3!?
  • White develops as usual...
  • Two very basic motifs

Recommended chess level: Intermediate.

Again, I would like to say that this is quite far from my typical way of introducing openings and opening variations, cause there is no typical pawn structure to build the story on, but the French structure. However, discussing French pawn structure in a lesson regarding Caro-Kann Advance is not what I wanted to do. So what is analysed here (not extensively) is the French with the inclusion of d4xc5.

Another problem I have experienced while working on this video was related with the fact that in many cases Black is working on regaining the pawn. In those cases I feel that an average intermediate level player would feel anxious if I'd offer only general points and strategy, and not a way to clearly show how Black gets the compensation, or regains the pawn. That means it is asking for a more concrete discussion.

That includes a risk that a viewer feels bored by all the lines I meant to show. This is why you can find at a certain point a stop (at move 6!) and an intention to turn to the general plans and ideas. I only hope that the provided ideas and motifs are making sense and that people who play this line find it useful. Once again - it is not my style to provide long lines and ask my students (or viewers) to go along and even possibly memorize all those moves.

Let me know what you think (and feel free to write a comment on Youtube as well, it helps more for my channel to get more popular).

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