How To Get All The Passports? (Achievement Award Badges)
How to collect Passport Badges (Achievements) from all countries without cheating

How To Get All The Passports? (Achievement Award Badges)

| 11 users get a badge for each country or region from which their game opponents come. You can see all passports the person has collected by going to their profile and clicking on "Awards" -> "Passports", it looks like this:

Generally, the more you play - the more passports you get. But players are matched randomly based on ratings and countries are not taken into consideration, so, I've seen people who've played over 10000 games and still don't have all the passports. One of the reason is because there are Passports not only to sovereign states but also for some historical regions like Aland Islands, Aruba, Basque country, Catalonia, Cayman Islands etc. The number of people having listed these countries or regions in their profiles will be lesser than the number of people who've listed internationally recognized countries and getting to play someone from there will  be more difficult.

If you want to collect all the Passport badges, your best bet is to log in to desktop version of, go to "Social" -> "Members" and make a custom search by selecting the country you are missing and a daily rating ranging from 200 points less than yours to 200 points more than yours. Then sort the results by "Most recently online" and invite 5 or 10 people. Most will ignore your invitations, so don't take it personally - people are just busy with their lives and don't care about strangers. It's enough for 1 person to accept the invitation for you to get a badge. Bear in mind that you will only get badges for games that are NOT aborted but if the opponent starts stalling, you can resign and still get the badge.

An example of such search from Antigua and Barbuda looks like this:

Feel free to comment if you have any questions regarding Passport Badges wink.png

Also, write in the comments how many Passport badges do you have at the moment happy.png