My games against my brother Karlo Frederiek Brouwer and Juan Hifan

My games against my brother Karlo Frederiek Brouwer and Juan Hifan

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My brother Karlo Frederiek Brouwer is suck… i win in a little bit moves from him. But i like to play with him to learn him better moves and new ones.

Schoolars Mate with Frederiek (so we call him)

Mate by Schoolars Mate with Frederiek

I play also games with a very good guy Juan Hifan. We call him Dodgey cause he like to say the word dodge. Here 2 games of us that where ½-½:

At this game we tested if you can win with this opening. Nada!!!

Here we tested this opening, it is not a great won so i said 'Draw, Dodge?' He said yes cause he needed also to go home, he was playing with me chess at my home in Groningen.

Brother Frederiek

Friend 'Dodge'

Those foto's are used to represent 'boys in chess'. Don't tweet those ones.

P.S. I would like that you play with this guys, but it is not possible, they don't play online...