Miniature Win

Miniature Win

| 5

This week I was paired with SirIvanhoe: fellow moderator, and the person making a lot of things happen at the Slow Chess League

A quick look at the game might give the impression that you could hear a pin drop until the very end, but as it is usually the case, there was some tension from early on behind the uneventful appearance. Here's the game, annotated in detail. 

As I announced in my previous post, I decided make a policy of disclosing CAPS scores for every game I analyse here, partly for monitoring my progress in measurable terms, partly for fun, and partly as a scarecrow for cheaters. Well, now, this is going to be a little awkward because in this game I got a CAPS score of 99.10, which kind of puts me into elite grandmaster territory . So, uhm, yeah. Awkward. Heheh. 

CAPS output white and black:

Best Move: 27.3% v 72.7%

CAPS: 41.73 v 99.10

Avg. Diff: 0.49 v 0.02


I hope you enjoyed the game and the analysis; don't hesitate to drop a comment in any case. Until next time, have good chess, be kind to one another, and cheers!