chess traps for beginners

chess traps for beginners

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If you are a beginner, this blog is very good for you! Here I will show you some traps in chess and how to avoid them!

The first is a very early queen play.

the queen is attacking the kings pawn.

Beginners often play a huge mistake. They try to attack the queen.

What you schould do ist to protect the pawn.
The second trap is a rook-sacrifice.
This trap is meant to be for black
What you should do if you are white is to develop your knights before the trap.
The next trap is a pretty famous trap.
To avoid that, you should control the center instead for these sensless moves.
The last trap I will show you is also a early mate.
The way to avoid that is this:
Now white just had lost a tempo
These opening traps will hopefully help you. If not just look for other blogs or videos.