Brilliant Draws/ Pawn Structure Intro

Brilliant Draws/ Pawn Structure Intro

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Mastering the Draw

We are going to be looking at games when people were losing but managed to get a Draw. We will be looking at 2 examples today. Then we Will be doing Pawn structures

1st Game

Kobaidze-Zereteil Tbilisi 1970

2nd Game

Hamppe vs Meitner Vienna 1873

What are Pawn Structures

Queen’s Gambit Family
The Isolani
Hanging Pawns
Orthodox Exchange
King’s Indian Family
Rauzer Formation
Boleslavsky Wall
Sicilian Family
Maróczy Bind /Hedgehog
Boleslavsky Hole
Pawn Chains
d5 chain
e5 chain
Panov Formation
Stonewall Formation
Slav Formation
Caro Formation

Here is a example.

What Pawn structure is this called tell me in the comments

Lets Look at One more Structure

Ok thats all for my post Hope you enjoy and tell me what type of pawn structure is this?

For Info on pawn structure you can check out this website 

Good b