How to Improve Your Chess Muscles

How to Improve Your Chess Muscles

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I’m gonna teach you how to get better at chess in very simple ways. Anybody(except for babies) can do this easy course.Well first off, you need to train your tactical mind to spot those camouflaged tactics. So do chess puzzles.(  


      Puzzles are really fun and definitely work. I once was playing a game against a 1200 elo rated player and at that time, I was a 1080She was up a tremendous amount in material and I spotted this mating net but of course it’s kinda easy to spot but I would have to lose my rook. I was like… well I don’t have any other option but to sac my rook. I sacked my rook and I went for the mating net. It took me 10 minuetes  to find the the awesome move of the queen and then sacking the rook and she did fall for mate and took my rook and I beat her. See? That’s why it’s so important to do puzzles.  

Study Openings

The next one is to study. Studying can mean many different things in chess like openings, gambits, famous games, and etc. But I want you to study openings. Openings are very important to study because if your opponent plays an opening you don’t know… well your in trouble. I made some blogs about openings so… Okay. I studied and wrote blogs about it to share to the community and to go back to the blog and remember the simple moves to the opening. Pick an opening and study it. I’d say you should study it from the computer. You can also do a book but I recommend the computer. Anyways, study for both black and white so if your black and your opponent plays the opening, you know what moves are the best moves and then in the next game if you are white, you can play that same opening.

       Practice and Play

      The next is to practice and play. Once you have studied your openings, you can play online against other people or the computer. I would do online with other people but you might want to do the computer so, yeah. Anywho, you can play that opening and practice it. If your opponent plays a different move, find out what your opponent’s meaning is to it. After the game, analyze it and figure out if you played the best move or what the best move is. Thomas Edison thought that mistakes are better than succeeding. To understand what that means is that you learn from your mistakes. So try to play a few games and play that same opening and once you feel like you mastered it, study another opening. 
Study Famous Games

      One thing I forgot about is that you should, my recommendation, is to study famous grandmaster games. You can learn from the moves they play and if you get into that same thing, you know what to play. 


    Another thing is to focus. At a tournament, if you are losing and your opponent is winning and so much pressure is on you, take a deep breath and go to the bathroom. Splash some water on your face and think about the game. Once you return, you should feel calmer and more focused and if your really frustrated, that can lead to more series of blunders and mistakes.


Which Section Should I Play In?

When it comes to sections, the directors will not let you play in a section that you are already higher rated. My opinion may be to play in a section higher rated than you. If you loose, you will not drop in much rating because they are way higher rated than you. If you win, you will boost way up in rating. Plus, you could also learn some knew tactics and some fancy moves. If the directors don’t let you play in a higher rated section than you, simply just go to the section that fits you perfect.

Follow me on Scratch too!    My name is Chickenenen28

on Scratch

You Should Also Subscribe To My Friend’s Youtube Channel. Dabirds24 

And also join my club,

My blogs,

Oh! And also… if you beat me… REVENGE WILL BE MINE!!!😡😡😡

blahblahblahother stuffwe dont need to talk about and yeah one last thing


Welcome To My Bio

How I started chess

Every now and then, my dad would play a game of chess with me and would always beat me and was so determined to beat him. I wanted to get better and eventually, i started winning! Now, I can beat him easily🤪.  I’ve always loved chess. I have the highest rating in school and kinda tied for first place with my friend FyshFysh.( scroll down to see profile). I have tons of trophies…

As you see in the photo, there is the lego millenuim falcon, which took me 4 hours to build… an hour each day. I AM OBSESSED WITH LEGOS. MY BIGGEST SET IS THE MILLENUIM FALCON. I also kinda like pokemon as well… but guess what? There’s more!! I also did the science, history, and science bee and placed first in all 3 catagories! I was so happy. I got the medals but they’re not THAT cool so I’ll leave it out.

Ooh! I even have a cool game I played against my friend FyshFysh. 

Cool huh? Ooh! I also love reading and coding and making blogs. My favorite book series is The Land Of Stories. I do swimming, chess(obviously), and (kinda) squash.  I love watching Primal Survivor on Disney Plus. (Not great for people who don’t like to see disgusting stuff. The guy had to eat and cow brain by chopping off the head and breaking it).  I also looooovvve writing comics. I’ve always wanted to be an author but i wanna be a buissness man or somthin. I also have a million stuffed animals on my bed too. My favorite ssubject is Social Studies and my least favorite is Ela.  Uuuummmm. So this is like the end of my bio so bye i guess? 

My Online Hours



(if it is a holiday and a weekday, use the weekend schedule)


7:00am-(6:00pm-7:30pm…depends on my schedule)

Weekdays, I’m on for 1 to 2 hours and on weekends, 2 to 3 hours

Friends on
@chesspro1534345  my  friend

@thechesschannel My chess coach

@sguon my dad

@fyshfysh  my friend


  • credit to my dad who gave me the courage to do chess
  • credit to Thechesschannel for being an awesome coach
  • credit to my mom who always cheers me on and being a great mom
  • credit to all my friends… including Arnav who always stands up for me and makes life better
  • credit to my friend Anthony who brought the idea of coding to me… i would never be here without him.(he’s supa good at coding)
  • credit to chesspro for being so kind to me and being a great friend
  • credit to FyshFysh for being so generous to me 
  • credit to my 4th grade teachers for being so kind and fun and always were cheering for me in chess(BEST TEACHERS EVER!!)
  • credit to my swim coaches for being awesome and improving my times in swimming
  • credit to my squash coach for being so funny!
  • credit to all my teachers for making learning a lot more fun!
  • credit to for being great! I’d never be here without it!!
