Stun your opponent with the Trompowsky Attack:Openings

Stun your opponent with the Trompowsky Attack:Openings

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Hello everyone,hope you all are doing well,today we are going to look at the Trompowsky Attack.This is an aggressive opening played by Grandmaster and World Champion Garry Kasparov. This has been recommended by FM Kamiil Plichta in his course. 

We begin with 1.d4. Black plays 1.Nf6. Here we play Bg5. Now we are going to look at the Raptor variation, that is Ne4.

Here our idea is to play Bd3 Rb1 and attack the queen whilst developing our pieces and giving them a better position.

This  position is very good and comfortable for us as the d5 and h7 pawns are attacked and our knights are placed beautifully and black's king is in the center and can't castle.

Now another popular variation is the Vaganian Gambit. We will also look at it.


Here we have a better and comfortable position. The move d6 was played by the player Bruzon in 2004 in which he won as after d6 white is much better.

Master Game:-

Michael Adams vs Garry Kasparov

Wow ..Both players made 2 mistakes but Adams played better and managed to win


If you have any doubts plz ask in the comments.

Thanks and regards,
