Top 7 Ways To Think In Chess

Top 7 Ways To Think In Chess

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Many chess players fail to make good plans.So,today we are going to understand how to think in chess.

Lets Start!

Here are the 7 ways to make your calculation faster and easier.

1.See which piece is least active.

According to this rule we should try to identify which piece is least active and try to improve its position or try to exchange it with your opponent's good piece.It is a simple and effective rule.You can even play any opening which you don't know using this principle. Even World Champion Magnus Carlsen has won many games using this principle.One of the games are as follows:

Magnus Carlsen won the game by understanding the position,improving his pieces and exchanging his bad bishop on g7.

2.Look for forcing moves.

Forcing moves are captures,checks,threats,checkmate sequences and tactics like skewer, fork, windmill etc. Grandmasters often find the best move in the position by looking at forcing moves.The 8th World Chess Champion Mikhail Tal was widely recognized as a  genius and one of the best attacking players of all time.He has won many games using this principle.One of them are as follows:

Mikhail Tal with his great understanding of the position won the game by crushing his opponent in just 27 moves.

3.Evaluate the position using the imbalances.

To find the best move in the  position you need to know the needs of the position.

To understand what are imbalances Click Here!

You can find the best move in any position using the imbalances.

Here is a list of imbalances:

1.Superior minor piece

2.Pawn Structure


4.Lead in development


6.Control of a key file

7.Control of a hole


9.King Safety

10.Statics vs Dynamics

Lets understand how to use imbalances in a position by solving a puzzle.

After analyzing the position using the imbalances we come to know that the dark saquares in the kingside is weak and the king is stuck. So, taking these points in consideration the best move in the position is Kf4 followed by Kg5 and Kh6.

4.If you are not able to make a plan, put yourself in your opponent's shoes.

Sometimes, even after analyzing the position you might not be able to find the best move in the position.So, you should put yourself in your opponent's shoes and think what will he play next. Using this method,you can make a suitable plan.But, make sure that you see the best move for your opponent. Now,lets see how the principle works by solving a puzzle.

5.Use the SWOT analysis to find the best move in the position during a blitz game.

The full form of SWOT analysis is :





Using this principle, we can understand the pros and cons of the position.This principle  helps us to find the best moves in the position making our calculation faster and easier.Lets solve a puzzle to understand how this principle works.

6.Use the focal points of attack in the kingside.

The focal points of attack in the kingside for white to attack are: f6,g6,h6,f7,g7 and h7.

The focal points of attack in the kingside for black to attack are:f3,g3,h3,f2,g2 and h3

Lets see how these focal points help us in launching attack in the kingside by solving a puzzle:

7.The Right System Of Thinking.

1.Develop your pieces

 2.Play a sub-center pawn


 4.Connect your rooks

These tasks should be done in 10 to 20 moves.

To Launch A Attack Use The Principle Given below.

Try to bring pieces to your opponent's territory.

Till the 5th rank its your territory and the other half of the board is your opponent's territory.

To understand how this thinking system works, lets study a game between Garry Kasparov and Vladimir Kramnik.

One of the best games of Garry Kasparov.He won this game by completing all his opening tasks at the right time and bringing a lot of pieces into his opponent's camp.
Hope you enjoyed this blog! If you have any doubts ask in the comments.
