
Online chess

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In the past i've treated online chess as practice for OTB games. That is, i never used databases etc. Imanagad to get my rating over 1500 briefly. Then my boss sent me on a course and i timed out on a lot of games.

Anyway, after another round of timeouts i'm back and trying again. I happend on the  post explaining the rules and thought why not?


So i fired up my database and got to it. I won the game, and i must say that it was the least satisfying win i've had. I did not outsmart my opponent. I did not display my awesome memory. I simply played the moves of Kasparov as found online, and when my opponent deviated from the book moves i had a won position that required me to think about exactly one move before winning.

Not fun at all!

No more databases for me. I'd rather loose a bunch of games and learn from it, than win simply because i have a big database!