Amazing! Carlsen's Easy Winning Strategy

Amazing! Carlsen's Easy Winning Strategy

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Carlsen decisively beat GM Wojtaszek. The game looks like an easy win for Carlsen but there are many interesting strategies which are all well known actually.

Strategy 1 : Chase the centralised knights. Check this position. It is a closed position. Carlsen doesnt have very active moves. So he choses to limit the activity of opponents pieces.


11. Nd1!  Simple and strong. Carlsen looks like making passive move but check the black knight on d4. It is really causing many troubles. For example your Queen is badly tied to defense of c2 pawn. That's not nice.
Strategy 2: Again very simple. It is good to have pawns in the centre. Check the position below. There is a balanca in the centre; both black and white has one pawn in the centre. But then situation changes.

14.fxe5 Nxe5 (14...dxe5 loses c5 pawn) and white is better in the centre. Therefore 13...b5 was a mistake 13...b6 protecting c5 pawn was better.
Strategy 3: It is better to have 2 pawns in the centre (unless you are losing or having big pressure on them)
Plus, again:
Strategy 1 : Chase the centralised knights. Check this position. It is a closed position. Carlsen doesnt have very active moves. So he choses to limit the activity of opponents pieces.
20.d4! And position is strategically won for Carlsen. You may think that Carlsen's moves through the rest of the game may be very desicive. You are right but hard part is already finished for white.
26.g4!  Carlsen finds this move strong. Kasparov watching the game smiles after this move. Black cant accept the pawn offer because after 26...hxg4 27.hxg4 Bxg4 28. Rg3 and wins. Either mate or queen.
Finally let's watch the game.
Looks so easy isn't that? People thought the same about Morphy, Capa and Fischer. Carlsen isn't like Kasparov but this way we can understand his games.