
Opening Principles

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Hi there, i thought i would share something i learned, it is from a cool chess book i have.  since a person doesn't have time to memorize every line in every opening, here are some principles that will help you build a good position:

1. Open with a center pawn (the player with better central control , possesses more flexibility).

2. Develop with threats (this is important for fast tempo, the player with more tempo may checkmate the opponent faster than the opponent can defend).

3. Develop knights before bishops (unless you have a good reason not to). knights take longer to reach the other side of the board, plus bishops are more prone to fall into a combination based on a double threat.

4. don't move the same piece twice in the opening if you can help it (there are exceptions though, if your opponent moves a piece twice, sometimes it is correct to break this opening principle in order to counter a threat).

5. make as few pawns moves as possible in the opening.

6. don't bring your Queen out too early (if you do, it can fall under attack and you'll have to waste time moving it around while your opponent's pieces mobilize).

7. castle as soon as possible (a lot of the time it is better to castle on the kingside, but there are exceptions of course).

8. play to control the center (similar to principle #1).

9. play to maintain at least one pawn in the center.

10. don't sacrifice without a clear and adequate reason. i've done this many many times myself because i understand a little bit about tactics, but i've learned (and I am still learning this) that by missing a single tiny detail, your attack will run out and you'll find yourself playing an end game with a material disadvantage.