My Top Favorite Chess Quotes

My Top Favorite Chess Quotes

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Hey guys !! Welcome back to another one of my blogs !! Today's blog is about my top favorite chess quotes !! I know I said that I would take a break from blogging for like 1-2 months but actually I might have took a break for only 1-2 days ! Blogging just sticks to me I guess !! Anyways, let's get right into my favorite chess quotes and why. 

#5: "To be the best, you must be able to handle the worst" - Vishy Anand 

This quote is meaning become the best at you must never give up and admit your loss. Everybody loses. Not one chess player even the greatest of all time like Magnus have at least lost one game. So remember, to be the best, you must be able to handle the worst. 

#4: "Chess is not always about winning. Sometimes it's simply about learning. And so if life" -Unknown 

This quote is meaning that sometimes you got to let go of your winning streak. People like Capablanca who is rumored to have not lost a game in 10 years straight win eventually lose one game. Chess's point is not to win, draw, or lose. Chess's point is for you to learn. Everybody even top grandmasters learn from their games. There's no such thing the best at chess. 

#3: "Move In Silence, Only Speak When It's time to say Checkmate" - Unknown 

This quote is meaning that sometimes in chess, you can't be happy when you take somebody's queen.  There's actually I word that we use commonly now which is swindling. It's when you are losing but you end up winning. So usually players should not be too over confident when you are up material or you are in a good position. Only speak when it's time to say checkmate 

#2: "Life is like a chess game, You don't want to waste a move" - Unknown 

This quote is meaning to not waste your life. By that it means wasting your time. Most people waste their time by playing video games, sure you can play it for entertainment and fun, sure you can play in so that you can earn money competing in a tournament or by your popular stream. But what about your family, what about your hobbies, what about the things you use to always do ? So, never waste a move or many moves. Be careful with your time ! 

#1: "When you see a good move, look for a better one" - Emanuel Lasker 

This quote is meaning that when you think you are good, when you think you are clear, when you think you are right, look for something better. Never stop thinking, Never stop acting. If you stop looking, you will never win, you won't learn, and most importantly you will never learn !! 

Thanks for reading this blog !! I hoped you enjoyed this blog and learned something new. Thanks again and see you next time !!