I dare you to touch my queen !!!

I dare you to touch my queen !!!

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In, The sport of chess, If you have been part of it for some time, You know the relative value of pieces. 
knight worth 3 points
Bishop worth 3 points
Rook worth 5 points and
Queen worth 9 points
So, if I ask you which of these pieces you will save the most and use carefully, you would say, Yes," The queen."Here is what Nakamura wants to say.

So our main protagonist, one of the top 10 grandmasters in the world, and speed chess champion Hikaru Nakamura. 

And his opponent is Boris Gelfand, A six-time World Championship candidate who played this match in the year 2010 at Bursa, Turkey.

This match is well-known for its insane attacking and positional masterpieces. We can understand how intricate and soft moves values are while creating a big attack.
Here, Nakamura plays what is known as his favorite setup, called king's Indian setup. Boris tried to play a queen's gambit-type structure taking more center with three pawns. Let's see, How this game progressed to be, One of the greatest games of all time.

 Also, one thing which is insane was Nakamura kept his queen hanging for almost 4-5 moves. 

The Game-

This is the general setup you will find against kings Indian, White uses central space advantage with three pawns, and black says I will control it later which is the modern way of playing chess.

In Kings Indian setup, The break is generally c5 or e5.

Now, the next few moves are very recurrent, which are 0-0 and be2. Then black plays the move, e5 the center break.

It looks like a mistake since there are two attackers and one defender. But once you start to understand the concept of kings Indian, you will see that that diagonal for bishop is opened. 

Also, the next few moves are quotidian, Which are white castles, Black develops the knight to c6 white pushes pawn d5, and then the knight rotates to e7. This kind of knight rotation is not bad, since it locks the central structure. The basic rule of chess is if you want to build an attack on either king or queenside, You have to lock the center. Both are super GM-level players, so they know all the lines maybe sometimes up to 30 moves.

Position till now-

To sometimes take someone away from the main line, Gm's usually play a different move and stream the game in another direction. So Boris plays the move Nd2, whereas the mainline suggests Ne1 and, Then Nd3 to help the pawn mobility on queenside.

Hikaru now plays Ne8 to push f5. Borris attack by b4, f5 plays the hikaru and c5 repies the gelfand.

Nakamura develops the knight to f6 to prepare for the attack. Gelfand says," I will stabilize the structure with f3."Hikaru says, "I will play f4 and close here and will come with g5." Gelfand develops his attack by developing Nc4. Hikaru smiles and plays g5 pushing his pawn army ahead. a4 plays the Gelfand and brings his army to attack. Ng6 says Hikaru neglects the pressure over queenside. ba3 aiming the f8 is played. To avoid confusion and involve creativity, let's see the position till now and see to it whether what will you move if you were Hikaru 

Position now-

So, as the complications increase and both fighters are ready to smack each other, Hikaru shows why he is a genius. He understands Boris's plan and plays a calm move Rf7, Stabilizing the 7 rank and getting out of danger.

As the warrior at about to strike each other, Boris plays b5. dxf5 causes the first fatality of the match by Hikaru. bxc5 takes Boris. The position favors Boris due to the broken structure.
Hikaru, with his stares, plays h5. Gelfand replies with an a5. Hikaru doesn't care about marches g4, and Boris acts the same, play b6.
So, This is a very intricate position, i will show you the position now again you have a chance to become Hikaru, What is your move?

Congratulations, if you guessed it correctly, The move here is g3.
why g3, when Boris can play h3?
 h3 is a blunder since it fails to bishop takes h3 and simply attack is unstoppable. 

h3 line-

This was not how Boris would want to be defeated, so what should he do? he very calmly plays king h1. Hikaru plays bf8, opening rook to enter behind the pawn and trade the bishop.
Gelfand says, "No take d6, you can't take that my knight will come in forking your pieces." Hikaru replies what about axb6?
Boris here plays bf8 anticipating that Hikaru will take something and create a weakness for himself. So Hikaru went straight into the field, ready to attack plays Nh4. Gelfand slides Re1 showing bf1, and I am totally safe. So what can Hikaru do now?
I will keep a position now to let you think like Hikaru, find your move,

He grins and plays Ng2, a sacrifice of a knight. You cannot take the knight with the king since RG7 and if h3, Qd7 is again a threat of mate.
So Gelfand says I will take on c7 attacking your queen. Hikaru now starts the journey of brilliancy by keeping the queen hanging for 6 moves as he plays Nxe1. Qxe1 plays Boris (Cannot take queen since g2 is mate in one).
g2 says the Hikaru ignoring queen under attack, check it is. king takes g2. Rg7 check says, Hikaru. King to h1 runs Boris. bH3 plays Hikaru, Ignoring the fact queen is under attack. Boris again cannot take queen since mate in one. bf1 only moves by Gelfand. Qd3 says Hikaru, "I dare you to take my queen." Boris plays Nxe5 defending mate and attacking the queen.
Hikaru is a sarcastic guy, if he gets a meme, he will go for it. Hikaru plays bxf1, hanging the queen, which cannot be taken again. Gelfand plays Qf1. Hikaru takes free knight on c3. Rc1 is played attacking the queen.Qxe5 is played Gelfand promotes to queen rook takes the new queen.Rxc8 and after Qe6 Boris just cannot win this game and he resigns.

Generally, if you talk about Hikaru, he is the greatest defensive king out there. Magnus is well-known for its endgame skills. The traps and positional play Hikaru does is just outstanding.   
Here the things to notice in this game is-

1- Piece activity 

2- Piece co-ordination

3- Positional play 

4- Building an attack

5- Sacrificing at the right moment 

6- Knowing the opening theory

7- Tactical plays

8- Pawn breaks

9- when you get to troll, You can (just be sure you can)

So, this blog is for my favorite blitz and bullet player, who is now the biggest chess streamer.