Attacking chess (part 2)

Attacking chess (part 2)

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In this blog I'm going to write about good attacking positions, give analysis of them, and give attacking tips. If you have nice attacking games, feel free to put them in the comments and I might do posts about them later. 

The greek gift sacrifice

The greek gift sacrifice is a sacrifice where white gives up a bishop for a strong attack. For example:

The bishop is sacrificed on h7, followed by Ng5 and if Kg8, Qh5. Some things that are typical in greek gift sacrifices:

  • The light squared bishop, knight, and queen are very important. (otherwise It isn't really a Greek gift sacrifice.)
  • A pawn on e5 - controls f6 and prevents the kings escape in some lines. (Usually after Kg6)
  • A bishop on the c1 to h6 diagonal - controls h6 (usually threatening discovered checks with the knight on g5). In some lines, the bishop can cut off e7/f8 fo the black king's escape.
  • A rook on h1 can help in the attack (especially after h4 from white), or if white has castled, the rook can do a rook lift. 
  • Often there are other pieces that can help, like a knight on c3 hopping over to the kingside. 

For example, in the game Fritz played, the rook on h1 joined the attack after blacks bishop took the g5 knight, and the pawn on e5, knight on g5, and queen were too much for the black pieces to handle. 

There are three variations after 1. Bxh7 Kxh7 2. Ng5+

1. Kg8

This move seems the most natural, but usually doesn't give white any problems. Usually white will play Qh5, attacking h7 and f7. Some examples:

One thing to watch out for in the Kg8 variation is an empty f8 square, giving the king an escape route:

2. Kg6

This move is usually the best - the king defends itself and leaves room for other pieces to join in the defense - but white still wins. For example: 

Some defensive ideas white should look out for in this line are the pawn push ...f5, and counter sacrifices:

This move rarely works because of the discovered check from the dark squared bishop but if the bishop has been traded off, it is a possible defense:
The greek gift sacrifice is common in the French defense, and fun to use against opponents. If you've had any greek gift games, feel free to put them in the comments section. Good luck using the sacrifice in your games!