
8 out of 10! and baby players

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and concentration finally pays off!!!

won 8 out of the last 10 games and my 2 defeats came via Paula (as per usual Wink) and a lack of concentration in which going from having check mate in 2 moves threw my queen and the game away!

my latest victory naming no names (although should change it to baby) new player as we all were once yet kept constantly demanding i move move move in 5 seconds or less!

i make my move go to the next game to get a message demanding i move now!

well obviously wasn't concentrating gave me there queen for free then resigned the game to give him self a perfect 100% record (of defeats)

so thanks for the points helped boost my rating a little i will always try to move as fast as possible and am certainly not a slow player however moving so quickly costs you queens and often games as he proved!

no need to be rude people i'm just here to play good games and meet some cool new people both of which i'm happy to say i already have!!! Smile

take care all!