Chess960 and Chess Studies

Chess960 and Chess Studies

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First part, I'd like to showcase a Chess960 game.

I played with Black in the Arena Kings against IM Mahammad Muradli, @ChessLover0108. Over the board, my opponents rating is 2449. online chess960 rating around 2594, and his standard blitz rating 2829.

A very strong opponent !

Here's the position  we started with :

I guess the bishops can be in Fianchetto right away. after a few moves we reached the following position, Black to play
You can see that we traded the light-square bishops. I went for 7..Ng4
my idea is that my opponent played d3 and b3, so if we trade the dark-square bishops, I can hopefully infiltrate my pieces on these squares. 
With Chess960, you have to throw away opening theory and rely on your chess understanding.



Position after 12..Nb5!

After 12..Nb5!, I am threatening Nc3+ and the dark squares are very weak, and the white king is in the center.  My opponent played 13 c4 and I pocketed the exchange with 13..Nc3+ forking d1 and b1.  But I had a stronger move : 13..Na3! would win the entire rook.

At any rate, I continued to stay focused and here's how the game continued.

a clean win against a strong IM. I was lucky to play in accordance with what the position required. ..Ng4, ..Nb5...Nc3+, a5-a4. 

Even Stockfish12 agrees, here's the analysis graph. 


Back to standard chess, lets look at studies.

First from Sam Loyd. Checkmate in 2. White to play.

can you find the first move ? Position 1

The second study is even harder.

Feel free to solve but don't feel too bad if you click ? or another button to play the solution below.

position 2: White to play and win (Platov Brothers)

I may do more 960 chess. My arena result was 12 wins, 1 draw, 1 loss. I finished 77th.  My loss was against @GmHess
who won fair and square.
Tournament was won by GM Hikaru Nakamura (@Hikaru), who is a beast no matter what the tournament rules are. Hikaru is truly a universal player at the highest level, whether blitz,rapid,bullet,tactics or 960 chess.