Complex tactics !! Difficult puzzles (warning !)

Complex tactics !! Difficult puzzles (warning !)

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Usually when I post tactics, there are  often keen readers being able to solve all the puzzles and post the correct variations.

Let me post a few positions still within the range of the human brain , and whoever can solve all of those without consulting an engine nor a book will receive kudos from me and follow readers !

I know Hikaru may be able to complete my challenge, but he is fairly busy at the moment trying to win the candidates tournament in Spain....

Can you emulate Hikaru and find all the solutions and all the variations in the given positions below ? the range is wide from middle-game attacks to calculating endgames until the very end !


Position 1 : White to play 

Position 2 : White to play 

Position 3 : White to play

Position 4 : Black to play

Position 5 : White to play ( A classic !)

Position 6: White to play

Position 7

White to play

Feel free to post the solutions if you have completed the challenge !

Finding the first move is great, but there could be twist and turns. Maybe the best defense according to the computer ends early, but you should try to work out natural (human) defenses even if technically "inferior" to computers best moves.


NO TIME LIMIT, the challenge can be done over minutes, hours or days !

if the challenge is solved, I will have to come up with harder positions !