e6-d6 center, delaying castle to surprise opponents with Black

e6-d6 center, delaying castle to surprise opponents with Black

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I often get asked how to avoid theory and create unbalanced positions with Black.

I looked at titled players games and I found something used across various openings. They typically use these against weaker opponents where they are playing for a win with the black pieces.

Idea 1: Postpone Castling. I know basic theory is to put king to safety with Black and develop rooks,etc. Not here

Idea 2: Develop e6-d6, Nbd7-Nf6, Be7 and Bb7 i.e control squares white will occupy with pawns.

Idea 3: At the right time, push h7-h5 or g7-g5 or both. preferably after White went to castle. Then leave King in center or castle but much later on.

Now I will illustrate games where Black is typically higher rated than white and goes for the plan above.

Here is how to memorize the set-up you should aim for :

Now you may say, does this actually work ?  Yes.

Game 1  Fighting Trompovksy

Game 2: Fighting Nimzo Indian

Game 3: Fighting Queen's Indian/London Defence

Game 4: Fighting Closed Sicilian with h7-h5

Game 5: 1.e4  Open Sicilian> Fighting with Kan set-up (Giri style)

Game 6: Fighting Maroczy c4-e4 in sicilian with h7-h5 and g5 next


Game 7: Fighting Be3,Qd2,f3 plan in sicilian with early h7-h5, with b7-b5 instead of b7-b6