Exploring Tactics - Old and New !

Exploring Tactics - Old and New !

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Ok tactics,tactics,tactics !

Everyone has seen the Bh7+ bishop sacrifice.

One famous game is here

in 1889 Emmanuel Lasker found Bxh7+!! and won a famous game

What is the Greek Sacrifice or the Bishop Sacrifice or the Greek Gift in chess ? 

More or less playing Bxh7+! with a furious attack.

Here we can see that Black can try to decline the sacrifice Kh8, or most likely take on h7. The knight on f3 will jump on g5 and soon enough the queen will join the attack.

Typically the first move is Bxh7+ when King Takes, you follow up with Ng5+ and then the queen goes to d3 ( sometimes to h5).
pro tip: remember where pieces go after the first few moves like this 
The white bishop is gone but not in vain. The queen on d3 and the knight on g5 say hello to the black king.


if you think this only works against beginners, think again.

in the next game, playing with Black is no one else than Alireza Firouzja

and in the next position he is facing GM Bortnyk and its WHITE to Play


I think the first and second moves and the 3rd won't surpriset the reader at this point ! 

Let's see how the game concluded 


and this is a 2024 game, so the greek sacrifice still allows to win in style !

lets show a game played in 2023, no long ago. 

Mr Bortnyk has studied the classics !