Hikaru's Openings and Computers

Hikaru's Openings and Computers

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@Hikaru is probably the most successful top GM in terms of brand, recognition, media presence and chess level. Magnus Carlsen wins tons of tournaments online and OTB, but in terms of media presence, I think @Hikaru had developed way more content.

Hikaru can win more titled tuesdays than anyone else, qualify for candidates 2024 ( something Giri or MVL didn't do), stream on Kick and Twitch as well as maintain one of the top chess Youtube channels. and he streams while he plays, and posts the content on youtube afterwards ( with his team including editors)

Is @Hikaru leveraging Stockfish for his openings when he plays online ? I don't think so.

Exhibit 1 , lets look at these moves, Hikaru plays the White side


After en-passant 9exd6, lets ask Stockfish 16 how it evaluates Black chances and different moves one could play as Black

"Black is slightly better" we get -0.36, -0.27, -0.23 and -0.23 for top 4 moves for Black

9..Nf6 is the engine choice but 9..Qxd6 a simple move works !

now lets check the stats from @Hikaru in this position


impressive !

lets check one game

ok but what about 1e4 c6, if we forget the sicilian and the well known Grand Prix Attack ?
Let's check the caro-kann
and this variation
What are @Hikaru's stats ?
Now that's a lot of games and a lot of wins for the White's side.
is this position giving an edge to white objectively if we ask Stockfish 16 ? I am using several CPUs and let Stockfish 16 think, not using embedded Stockfish engine which may give a quick eval but not necessarily the full picture.
once again, Stockfish prefers Black with 8..Nbd7
Guess which move is the most played against @Hikaru , it is 8..Nbd7
So it is at a later stage than @hikaru makes a difference.
He plays systems he knows well, has intuition for, play quickly to put pressure on the clock and of course calculates extremely well and fast in the middle-game.
But I don't think @Hikaru spends lot of time running stockfish for his blitz repertoire. 
Classical is a different story because candidates level is top level chess where he has seconds and a team to prepare openings.
However, watching @Hikaru stream his games or watch his youtube videos is highly instructive. not only he is the #2 on this site ( behind @MagnusCarlsen) but he also explains his thought process.