Opening Prep and Blitz

Opening Prep and Blitz

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Does Opening Knowledge matter for Blitz ?

If you play a 3 minute game,  this should allow more leeway than a long game. For instance @Hikaru has played 1a3 and 1b3 in blitz several times but he tends to play more standard openings in classical chess.

@Fabianocaruana is known for his opening knowledge

for instance he won a game recently effortlessly with 1.e4 online

nice job @FabianoCaruana

But lets look at my stats per opening. After all if openings don't matter, I should have more or less the same performance if I look at  openings with a decent number of game played.

With White Position after 1.e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6

The move I played the most is 3 Bb5+ , I scored 49.7% for a rating performance of 2416

on 3.d4 which is the main "theory move" , my score improved

I score with 3.d4 58.2% for a rating performance of of 2436


but I have experimented with 3 Nc3!? , a less well known move.

Black usually responds with 3..Nf6, but 3..a6 and 3..Nc6 are possible.

None of these moves give White a decisive advantage. 

What are my statistics with 3Nc3 ? 64.6% for a rating performance of 2501

It's not that I am obsessed with my blitz rating. if I were to score higher against weaker opponents, this wouldn't be as telling. but here my opponent's average rating is 2391 which is fairly high.


lets continue the variation with 3..Nf6

Chessboard image

in this position, I scored 90% for a rating performance of 2711 !

The ideas are simple for White. I will develop my Bishop on g2, play 0-0 and follow with a2-a4.

All these moves make sense and I can make them quickly.

But what is the main plan for Black ? 

White has nice pressure and all my next moves improve my  pieces. White has a safe king, nice play against Black's queenside. It is not winning by any means, simply super pleasant for White.


Want to see an example ?

another one ?

Bottom Line : by using 3Nc3 I am usually in familiar territory , surprising a bit my opponents. Then I get an edge on the board or/and  on the clock. 

3Nc3 is by no means superior to 3d4. If you let Stockfish run 3d4 may be the engine top line. but this is where a bit of opening psychology or avoiding the main lines can help you be more competitive.

and here's the same opening at GM level

and a GM vs GM battle with the same 3Nc3 sideline !