the match, the brilliant moves

the match, the brilliant moves

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The fans requested it and we got it.

Magnus Carlsen vs Hikaru Nakamura. Speed Chess Championship 2022 Final

The winner ? @Hikaru the legendary streamer

Maybe you watched it live, maybe you caught the replay or read the recap article.

the proud winner is here 

Now here's a position where Hikaru found a !! move, yes a brilliant move

and here's another one, still with the Black pieces from Hikaru side


now one can get inspired by these giants. The two with other top GMs including Dubov, MVL, Grischuk, Nepo, Nihal Sarin,... will be competing soon in the World Rapid and World Blitz Over The Board Championship in the last week of the year !

Here's a position from my own games. Can you find the best move ?

White to play


and here's another one to solve

White to play