Tricky Endgame positions
photo credit John Brezina Colorado Chess.

Tricky Endgame positions

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as we think of our next games, we often think of practicing tactics and looking for opening ideas.

yet, sometimes the critical phase occurs in the endgame, especially if we play a tough opponent who refuses to go down in the middlegame.

The following looks like a tough ending to play


but lets practice a little bit, next position is White to play

Do you think White is lost or can achieve a draw ?


Imagine if you are playing a 10 minutes + 2 seconds rapid game and you have the White pieces. 

Here's the answer. With precise moves, White can save half a point


the following is a tricky endgame, with White to play. Can White win or is it a forced draw ?


once again, we have two passed pawns and this time Black has a knight .

solutions below.

This is not so easy but here's the solution


there are all sorts of endgame puzzles and endgame positions which are hard to solve despite the small number of pieces left on the board. a little bit of a paradox !

The last position is given as a puzzle. Feel free to try to solve the position on the board or click ? to see the solution. Good luck !

White to play


and with this no NEw POsitions to solve, but I thought this was fit for an enDING...