Chess Puzzles for beginners
Chess Puzzles

Chess Puzzles for beginners

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wk Chess Puzzles for Beginners bk

Good Morning Chess Players!  

This time we decided to share twelve simple puzzles with you. Think over each answer and check if your solution is correct. If you prefer the movie version videos, the same puzzles are available on YouTube:


Puzzle #1 Black has just lost Queen and it looks like the game will be over soon. And that's true, but it's Black who will turn out to be the winner. Try to find winning plan for Black.

Puzzle #2 If we only count White and Black pieces, position is equal. Moreover pawn structure is symmetrical. But there is one small detail and White has to take advantage of it. Otherwise, the game will end in a draw.

Puzzle #3 Here we have very popular pawn endgame. White has to take some specific action. Otherwise the Black King quickly captures the white pawns.

Puzzle #4 Black has one pawn more and white Rook is under attack. Find the best line for White to win this game.

Puzzle #5 Once again in equal position you have take action to gain a clear advantage.

Puzzle #6 Black pieces are quite well coordinated with one exception. Find this exception and win the game with White.

Puzzle #7 It seems that black King is not very well protected. Try to use it.

Puzzle #8 The first move is very simple .bullet

Puzzle #9 One of white pieces has too many defensive duties. Try to use it.

Puzzle #10 After castling, the black King seems to be well protected. Try to break that defense.

Puzzle #11 Simple, want ot win - catch the Queen!

Puzzle #12 Let's sacrifice as much as possible.


  That's all the puzzles. If you want, you can share your result in the comment.

Remember, the more puzzles you solve, the more successful combinations you will perform during the game!
