Knowing Your Chess Openings

Knowing Your Chess Openings

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Recently, I have been writing down all my chess openings for the games I play. It dawned on me that I don't really know any of the openings besides the most common King's Pawn Opening. I have been making an effort to remember what all of the basic and most common chess openings are before I move on to more advanced openings such as the Sicilian Defense.

I realized also how important it is to know these openings and understand what other chess players are thinking before they make their move. It is very helpful to know that kind of stuff. If you want to start your own work knowing these openings, the way I have been doing it is writing the opening names and moves for each variation and standard opening after every couple games.

You can find this information when you click on computer analysis or live analysis. The names of each opening are also at the top of the moves column. Keep all your openings you played in a notebook and eventually you will have quite a collection. 

If you have any questions on my methods for openings, feel free to comment in the section below and I will respond as soon as possible.

Happy chess!

Thank you for viewing and possibly commenting on my chess blog here at I am hoping that all my posts are entertaining or leave you thinking about a certain chess subject. If I did get you thinking or did help you, message me or tell me what I did well and what I can improve on in the comments!

Currently, I am working on a blog series called Journey Across the Board. There will be 5 posts on this topic over the next couple weeks. I hope everyone likes it!

Thank you so much and happy chessing!