Blunders were made…

Blunders were made…

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Mistakes and blunders are an inevitable part of being a beginner playing chess. In this game, I made three blunders, each which we’ll examine in turn.

I played this game quickly in the morning, and this showed when I undertook the analysis. Each of these blunders could have been avoided by considering more deeply how my opponent would have responded, prior to actually making the move. However, I managed to win anyway! At the beginner-intermediate level, it’s not necessarily who blunders first, or the most, but who blunders last!

I hope you enjoyed this video, and thanks for watching!

Originally published:

Hi!  I'm vitualis, the chess noob (aka chessnoob64), and I run the "Adventures of a Chess Noob" YouTube channel and blog.  I'm learning and having fun with chess! 

I restarted playing chess recently after my interest was rekindled by the release of "The Queen's Gambit" on Netflix.  I mostly play 1 or 2 games a day, and am trying to improve (slowly!).  I document some of my games and learning experiences on my blog and YouTube channel from the perspective of a beginner-intermediate player!

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