Brilliant move saved the game…?

Brilliant move saved the game…?

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One of the biggest ego boosts when analysing a game on’s analysis engine is when the computer rates one of your moves as “brilliant”! This happened in a game I played earlier today. Although it started off well, I lost my advantage from the opening with some inaccurate play in the midgame. Then I managed to head off a potentially devasting attack by the opponent with this move that the bot rated as brilliant.

I’d like to imagine that the psychological impact of the brilliant move was what led to my opponent hanging their piece with a one move blunder. Although it might be wild and messy, in the realm of beginner-intermediate chess, creating complexity and launching multiple threats can be effective even if the moves are objectively bad. I hope you enjoyed this video, and thanks for watching!

Originally published:

Hi!  I'm vitualis, the chess noob (aka chessnoob64), and I run the "Adventures of a Chess Noob" YouTube channel and blog.  I'm learning and having fun with chess! 

I restarted playing chess recently after my interest was rekindled by the release of "The Queen's Gambit" on Netflix.  I mostly play 1 or 2 games a day, and am trying to improve (slowly!).  I document some of my games and learning experiences on my blog and YouTube channel from the perspective of a beginner-intermediate player!

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