♟️ Chessnut Air | Vienna Game DESTROYS Luk.AI bot! | Summer Chess

♟️ Chessnut Air | Vienna Game DESTROYS Luk.AI bot! | Summer Chess

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#vienna #chessnutair #chessbot #doublecheckmate 

Playing chess on the Chessnut Air, on a brilliant summer's day in Sydney, Australia, listening to Vivaldi's "Summer" from "The Four Seasons", is just about perfect! has released a new bot, the Luk.AI bot.  "Luk.AI is a self-learning AI modeled after NBA superstar Luka Dončić. The more games he plays against members, the stronger he gets!"

This game was played against Luk.AI while he was rated 551 and unfortunately, he was shredded by the mighty Vienna Game - the destroyer of fools and bots!  Luk.AI played a very "500-ish", a wayward queen to h4!  Wayward queens don't work against the Vienna Game as the e4 pawn is already defended so my second move was to develop my king's knight and immediately attack the queen.

Luk.AI retreats his queen to f6, which makes it liable to attack with the strong thematic move in the Vienna, Nd5 - forking the queen and the c7 pawn.  Luk.AI is now forced to make the third queen move in the first five moves, with the queen returning to her opening square!  This is a great example of why you shouldn't bring out your queen early unless it is part of a coordinated attack!  Stockfish evaluated the game at [+5] advantage to White at the end of move 5 - equivalent to Black losing a pawn every move in the opening!

With the massive lead in development, I now make a very Vienna-ish power tactic - an attack down the f-file with a capture-sacrifice of a piece on f7. This draws Luk.AI's hapless king onto f7. I develop my queen to f3 with check. Luk.AI retreats the king to the back rank, but to the wrong square.

And on move 9, Nxe7 delivers a stunning double-check checkmate against the bot, just in time for the end of the third movement of Vivaldi's "Summer"!

Historical note: did you know that Antonio Vivaldi died in the city of Vienna?

Game on

Hi!  I'm vitualis, the chess noob (aka chessnoob64), and I run the "Adventures of a Chess Noob" YouTube channel and blog.  I'm learning and having fun with chess! 

I restarted playing chess recently after my interest was rekindled by the release of "The Queen's Gambit" on Netflix.  I mostly play 1 or 2 games a day, and am trying to improve (slowly!).  I document some of my games and learning experiences on my blog and YouTube channel from the perspective of a beginner-intermediate player!

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