Look out for discovered checks!

Look out for discovered checks!

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A discovered check occurs when moving a piece unblocks and reveals an attack on the opponent’s king by another piece. This is an especially powerful tactic due to the forcing nature of the move. As we will see in the computer evaluation of the game I played today, my successfully implemented ploy to create a discovered check was the difference between a completely winning position, and equality if my opponent had countered the move.

The discovered check forced the opponent to lose a piece for a pawn, and there was then the potential devastating line where they the opponent would lose even more material. In the actual game, I chose to play the lower risk strategy of safely liquidating the opponent’s pieces in forced balanced trades to maintain a one piece advantage in the endgame. A win is still a win even if it is less beautiful!

I hope you enjoyed this video, and thanks for watching!

Originally published:

Hi!  I'm vitualis, the chess noob (aka chessnoob64), and I run the "Adventures of a Chess Noob" YouTube channel and blog.  I'm learning and having fun with chess! 

I restarted playing chess recently after my interest was rekindled by the release of "The Queen's Gambit" on Netflix.  I mostly play 1 or 2 games a day, and am trying to improve (slowly!).  I document some of my games and learning experiences on my blog and YouTube channel from the perspective of a beginner-intermediate player!

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