
School's Out for Summer

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 School's Out
School's Out

WOOHOO!  Finished my accounting final, and I have 6 weeks of no school!  I am so excited I could...I could...well I'm not exactly sure what I could do but I'm pretty damn happy.

So I guess I'll just train myself silly.  There is a "big" tourney coming up in New Mexico.  I would have much rather be going somewhere else, as I've already played a tournament in NM, but everywhere else that has a tournament during my Summer break was too expensive, starting too soon after the end of school or just plain too inconvenient to get to.  So New Mexico it is.

It is the Albuquerque/Rio Rancho Open.  It is a 5 round Swiss @ G90 on the 27th & 28th of June.  I will be playing in the U1800 section.  Things really worked out well for me as there is a local tourney the weekend before that will allow me to get warmed up and get into game shape as it were.

I am going to utilize my newfound appreciation for free time to guide my preparation for this tournament.  I have a schedule all made out and ready to hit it hard starting tomorrow.