Live Seek Graph is now.. uh.. Live!

Live Seek Graph is now.. uh.. Live!

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Greetings, chess fans!

If you enjoy Live Chess, you'll be interested to know that we have now released the first of a group of planned enhancements we'll be making to the Live Chess experience over the next little while.  Check out the Seek Graph!  Laughing

At a glance, you can now seek seeks in your "sweet spot":  the zone of the graph that corresponds to the opponent rating (vertical axis) and time control (horizontal axis) you desire.  Also, you can immediately tell from the dot whether a challenge is rated (solid) or unrated (ring-shaped).

Hover over a dot to see details about the challenger.  Poke a dot to accept the challenge and start the game!  Simple!

(The Seek Graph can be enabled or disabled in your Live Chess settings, under "Game Settings.")

We hope you enjoy this new way of viewing challenges.  Again, where Live Chess is concerned, there's even more great stuff on the way!