The best 10 films about chess 2

The best 10 films about chess 2

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5 the dark horse 

Renowned chess player Genesis Potini, despite several adversities in his life, finds the courage to deal with difficult situations.

Initial release 2014
Rated 7.4 imdb
Duration 2h 4m

4 pawn sacrifice 

Bobby Fischer, an American grandmaster, tastes success and attains fame at a very young age. However, things change after he challenges Soviet Union's best player for a chess championship.

Initial release 2014
Rated. 7 imdb
Duration 1h 55m

3  queen of katwe

Phiona's life changes after she meets Robert Katende, who teaches her to play chess. Under Katende's guidance, Phiona becomes a top player and sees an opportunity to escape from a life of poverty

Initial release 2016
Rated. 7.4 imdb
Duration 2h 4m

2 bobby Fischer against the world 

Liz Garbus examines the tragic and bizarre life of the late chess master, from his troubled childhood through his rise to fame and his life as a fugitive.

Initial release 2011
Rated. 7.4 imdb
Duration 1h 33m

1 searching for bobby Fischer 

Seven-year-old Josh Waitzkin is a chess prodigy in the making. He trains under Bruce Pandolfini, a ruthless instructor, who tries to make him more like chess wizard Bobby Fischer.

Initial release 1993
Rated. 7.4 imdb
Duration 1h 49m