The Ge-Winner
Why you should join our Club:
- We have Daily Matches
- We have Vote Matches
- We participate in Leagues, including PCL, TCMAC, KOVCL, KOTML, TMCL, WECL, WKCL, TMCL960, and WCL
- We have Weekly 100 Clubs Multi Club Arenas
- We have a Discord Server
- We have a friendly community
- you can chat with people
- We have a Daily Matches List, A Vote Matches List and a the best player of the month event
JOIN US NOW! For more Information, look under the banner…
Welcome to our club! The best club in!! We are "The Ge-Winner"!!
You’re heartiest invited to join our wonderful community!!
We have different events you can join:
-vote matches
-daily matches
We had 3 Bann Attacks. The first one who do that, was @IGNACY1522. Please report him also!! Then @FieryChallenger, and then @BlitzGod24. We had 600 Members at the 1th May.
Our club rules:
1. No spamming!!
2. Respect everyone!!
3. At least try to be active!!
4. No advertising without permission!!
5. Most Important: Enjoy and have fun!!!
We have 5 titled Players!!
NM @Blitz
CM @hmatyi07
WCM @LunaTheTuna2013
CM @iAspet
FM @ThunderChariot
GM @Grandmaster1369
Biggest Goals:
Get first in daily matches and in vote matches!
If you have any questions feel free to ask @LordWinter30!!
See you in the club!!! Have fun!!