
104 Members
All Events played
5 All Events Played
Team events won
3 Team Events Won


Hello there! Are you a keen aspiring chess player, who enjoys reading or writing blogs and articles? Would you like to join a community where sharing perspectives on chess is the central focus? If you do, then please join this community. You don`t have to be a blogger; this group is for all members of the chess community.  The main aspects of this club will include: Providing you with the latest news on new releases. Promoting the best quality articles. Helping you find your way around, where to find the articles that interest you. A few months ago, I created a club called Bloggers_HQ, for bloggers to share their ideas. This club has seen numbers of about 30 for a few months (including 4 Top Bloggers). @chesster3145 raised the issue, that there is no place for the fans, and the readers, hence the creation of Blogosphere.

Super Admins

Joined Oct 7, 2017
Kamalakanta Nieves | New York City, Puerto Rico
Joined Mar 21, 2018