
95 Members
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We welcome anyone who has a passion in a creative field. Whether you're a poet, novelist, lyricist, or even painter. We want you to be a part of our growing community.

What is this club about?

We welcome anyone who has a passion in a creative field. Whether you're a poet, novelist, lyricist, or even painter. We want you to be apart of our growing community. We do a lot of writing challenges as well. Orca makes forums and announcements about challenges, then he picks who wins, they are interesting and fun too! Also, they are different every time, so, if your interested, you should join. I guarantee you will like it. 

The people usually have to vote who won the challenge, then we announce who won an move on to the next challenge a week later. The roles you can have in this club would be a writer, or spectator. If you do nothing, why would you come in the club? Spectators can vote who won and Writers can too, you just cant vote for yourself. Remember to have fun, and stay safe writers. -Inkblood.

Super Admins

I AM HIM | In the ocean bruh, I'm an orca, International
Joined May 26, 2023
Where creativity happens, International
Joined Jul 12, 2023


It's Confidential | A Classified Location, United States
Joined May 27, 2023
tahlia | somewhere, International
Joined May 29, 2023