
203 Members
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50 All Events Played
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28 Team Events Won

Queen's Gambit Gurus

Just what you have been waiting for - a group dedicated to 1. d4 d5 2. c4. An opening this popular needs its own group. This group will involve everything beyond the c-pawn push at move 2. This can include the Slav, the 2...e6 systems, the Marshall, the QGA, etc. It is a pretty open ended club. We will be having vote chess and team chess, and there are forums for discussing various ideas. The group is private, so if you are interested, just request to get it - you will be accepted. One rule - please treat others the way you want to be treated - no rude and offensive comments please. Hope to see you on the battlefield!

Super Admins

Daniel Mitchell | Knoxville, TN, United States
Joined Jan 5, 2009
Michael | Mt Everest, Australia
Joined Feb 25, 2009
Valentin Razmov | Seattle, WA, United States
Joined Feb 15, 2010
D P | Chandler, AZ, United States
Joined Oct 16, 2023


David Leyland | England, United Kingdom
Joined Aug 1, 2009