
Hello guys! When I prepare some openings and strategy for my students almost everyone tell me: "I need to attack!". Children love tactics, very fast attack and glorious victory. Yes, that is true. Almost everyone enojoy quick victory with some combinations like in Shirov's or Tal's games. Because of that many students think that when you attack you have to go forward. When I create some examples they always looking for such a moves, when they go forward - for example go from rank number 4 to rank number 6 when they play as white. Be careful. When you attack sometimes you have to prepare counterplay and go backward and then push. Have a look! We have much more examples linked to this idea. I prepare three and I hope you now understand, that sometimes if you want to go forward you have to first go back! Another instructive chess topics: EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #1 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #2 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #3 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #4 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #5 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #6 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #7 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #8 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #9 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #10 ANOTHER SERIES OF ARTICLES: POWERFUL PIECES (6 charpters) HOW TO WIN AGAINST GRANDMASTER? (9 charpters) TOO HARD FOR STOCKFISH? ZOBACZ INNE SZACHOWE ARTYKUŁY: SIŁA FIGUR (6 podrozdziałów) ZA TRUDNE DLA STOCKFISHA? PODSTAWY WARIANTU BREYERA W PARTII HISZPAŃSKIEJ
I prepare some materials about improving positional skills. Frankly I just use the method from Mark Dvoretsky's books called positional pictures. Have a look. First of all we have to find an appropriate position from game. Secondly we have to start form the moment when someone plays very creative or use a new idea, which we do not really comprehend. Next we have to write a commentary and write the move order which was played in the game. Then we have to end the exercise. Finally if we gather many examples we could repeat everything before tournament. Too be honest, examples should be short. It is enoughif you find the right position with new or creative idea! I use only 3 methods in my training: I watch as many games of 2700+ as I could. I collect my postional pictures. I play as many blitz, rapid and classic games as I could. The method is slow but it is very powerful if you do it constantly and you want to achieve a goal in a long period of time. I start in 2012 when I have 2150 ELO. In 2017 I achieve FIDE Master title and in 2019 2400+ in rapid and blitz sections and 2370 in classical games. I combine all together just to repeat every exercise linked to positional pictures once again: EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #1 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #2 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #3 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #4 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #5 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #6 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #7 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #8 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #9 EASY IMPROVE YOUR POSITIONAL SKILLS #10 ANOTHER SERIES OF ARTICLES: POWERFUL PIECES (6 charpters) HOW TO WIN AGAINST GRANDMASTER? (9 charpters) TOO HARD FOR STOCKFISH? ZOBACZ INNE SZACHOWE ARTYKUŁY: SIŁA FIGUR (6 podrozdziałów) ZA TRUDNE DLA STOCKFISHA? PODSTAWY WARIANTU BREYERA W PARTII HISZPAŃSKIEJ
I am FIDE Master ENEASZ and my highest ELO was about 2400. I have a BLOG and STUDENT'S GROUP at I am 27 years old and I studied Finance and Accountancy at University of Economics in Katowice. I am TOP BLOGGER, Coach and an entrepreneur - owner of Akademia Eneasza I want to show quite extensive training materials prepared by me, over which I spent several hours. It is free for You to show and learn. I use it to teach my chess students. It concerns my games mostly from Polish, Czech, and Slovak leagues. There are also some from other international blitz and rapid tournaments. It is, therefore, essential that my material is unique because it is not grouped to openings, middle games, or endgames. I looked at it from a completely different perspective, and I decided to fill the gap. All the issue concerns another separate piece that played a crucial role in the commented games. I analyse games and justify why I played such moves during each game. Have a look at particular piece schedule above and let's click in a link to go to appropriate training materials: POWERFULL PIECES KING QUEEN ROOK BISHOP KNIGHT PAWN I want to introduce you to my series of articles: "How to beat a Grandmaster?" It combines my games from not only, but also blitz and rapid tournaments like European Chess Championship or classical events like round-robin GM torunaments or chess leagues from different countries, when I am a part of my team. Let's read Enjoy and try to remember as many as you can to be a better chess player HOW TO BEAT A GRANDMASTER (part 1) HOW TO BEAT A GRANDMASTER (part 2) HOW TO BEAT A GRANDMASTER (part 3) HOW TO BEAT A GRANDMASTER (part 4) HOW TO BEAT A GRANDMASTER (part 5) HOW TO BEAT A GRANDMASTER (part 6) HOW TO BEAT A GRANDMASTER (part 7) HOW TO BEAT A GRANDMASTER (part 8) HOW TO BEAT A GRANDMASTER (part 9) Articles are also available in Polish. Here is also an introduction to Breyer variation in Ruy Lopez. Click above to follow: SIŁA FIGUR ZA TRUDNE DLA STOCKFISHA? PODSTAWY WARIANTU BREYERA W PARTII HISZPAŃSKIEJ At the end I want to show you a chess masterpiece. White is winning. Try to use engine if there is no way to calculate in mind. Please post a comment with the solution Keep a great chess form and enjoy
DoktorShnabelVonRom Jul 27, 2021